7 de marzo de 2025

28 comentarios en «How Football Legends Spend Their MILLIONS ⚽️?‍?»

  1. you can tell Fcmotivate thrive from making hatred.
    CR7 spent several millions and his time on charity too, did you mention it? or just skip it and pretend it never happened? CR7 also spent a lot to give his family a better life, but you chose to overlook it.
    fake ass media trying to stir hate.

  2. Let T(n) be the statement: xn – yn is divisible by x – y. Basic Step: For n = 1, x1 – y1 = x – y is divisible by (x – y) ⇒ T(1) is true Induction Step: Assume that T(k) is true, i.e., for k∈N xk – yk is divisible by (x – y) Now, we prove T(k + 1) is true. xk+1 – yk+1 = xk . x – yk . y = xk.x – xk . y + xk .y – yk . y (Adding and subtracting xk.y) = xk (x – y) + y (xk – yk ) Since xk(x – y) is divisible by (x – y) and (xk – yk ) is divisible by (x – y) (By induction step, i.e., assuming T(k) is true), therefore, xk+1 – yk+1 = xk(x – y) + y(xk – yk) is divisible by (x – y) ⇒ T(k + 1) is true, whenever T(k) is true. ⇒ T(n) holds for all positive integral values of n.Read more on Sarthaks.comhttps://www.sarthaks.com/950199/prove-that-x-n-y-n-is-divisible-by-x-y-when-n-is-a-ve-integer

  3. The whole french team done this and not only the bonus.They donate every single penny paid to them for playing for the national team.I understand you like Mbappe,but put the facts straight.What he bought with the first pay check from Monaco or PSG?

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