Le Paris Saint-Germain a renversé le huitième de finale de Ligue des champions face à Liverpool ! Battus à l’aller, au Parc des Princes (0-1), les Parisiens ont livré un combat épique sur la pelouse d’Anfield pour s’imposer dans le temps réglementaire, et décrocher une qualification méritée aux tirs au but !
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It's time to repent and seek JESUS .He gave his life, and suffered the wrath of the Father in the cross, to save you from eternal hell. For God loves you, but the sin must be punished. On the third day He raised from the dead, showing to the world that He is God. He'll return soon to judge and destroy the sinners. So turn away from your sin. Ask God to change your life and He'll do amazing things. Jesus loves you.
Congratulations for PSG
je veux voir un final entre le PSG et le Barca
PSG really flicked a switch since the Group stage.
You are gonna win the campions league and IM a real madrid fan
1000 comment

Le collectif prime toujours sur des individualités. Quand à l'intérieur il y'a des individualités qui jouent aussi collectif cest encore mieux. Bravo Paris
Amazing content as always!
Awesome video, looking forward to the next one!
bravo psg
Dembele psg
I tip PSG to win this champions league……

Loved this video, keep up the great work!
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this video, very enlightening!
You explained this so well, thank you!
Great video! Really enjoyed it.
Thank you for the great content!
This was exactly what I needed, thanks!
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PSG 2025.
This video was amazing, learned a lot.
Next level rigging
Thanks for sharing this, learned a lot.
Loved the content, keep it coming!
Thanks for sharing this, learned a lot.