22 de noviembre de 2024

20 comentarios en «HIGHLIGHTS: Los Angeles Football Club vs. Inter Miami CF | September 3, 2023»

  1. What I have notice is how teams don’t want Messi to score so they exhaust all their strength on keeping 2-3 guys around him that they completely forget about other players.. and Messi will get that ball to the feet of the player needed to score!

  2. I’m just saying this to point it out. The chance at 3:10 is why this league is nowhere near the top standard. Number 19 for LA just runs past Messi and jockeys the ball from about 5 yards away. Messi is OBVIOUSLY going to pick out an easy pass because there was no challenge for the ball. You think literally any midfielder in a top league wouldn’t either pull messi’s shirt or try and out muscle him or at least try and take the ball off him?

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