22 de noviembre de 2024

41 comentarios en «Chelsea v Brentford (0-2) | Highlights | Premier League»

  1. Can Chelsea be disbanded and send everybody packing? Let the players suffer the consequences of their actions by being rendered jobless. What do they have to show for the huge pay perks that they earn? Nothing but losing game after game. Get rid of the baggage and allow the club to recruit committed players.

  2. How can you lineup with 1 attack minded player, and that player sterling who doesn’t move or press. Joke of a lineup. Why can’t managers seem to get the balance right with 30+ players to select from? Absolutely baffling

  3. Странно, что никто в комментариях не вспомнил о Романе Абрамовиче. А ведь чтобы он вернулся, отсасывать придется, всем Лондоном?????

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