21 de mayo de 2024

38 thoughts on “Soccer Drills For Kids – u6 / u8 / u10 / u12 | Soccer Drills | Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, and…


    Even if you're not a KID – you can benefit from this video.

    There are several important tips about skill development, mentality, and training.

    Use the drills in this video to improve.

    Watching is the first step but if you want results don't talk like other players, take action, put in the work, get the results. Be consistent and they are coming, along with all the goals, praise, and respect that comes with becoming a better player.

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    How do you practice as a kid? coach? parent?
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    These actions increase the overall rating of this YouTube channel which helps Progressive Soccer reach more players – thank you for helping.

    Thanks for watching:
    Soccer Drills For Kids – u6 / u8 / u10 / u12 | Soccer Drills | Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, and…more

    Dylan Tooby
    Progressive Soccer

    For extra training, helpful blog posts, online academy information, and advanced soccer training courses, or 1on1 coaching — http://www.progressivesoccertraining.com

  2. Good video my man. I've played soccer my entire life but have never been in the position of coaching little girls, so this helps me a lot and gives some affective and simple ideas. Thank you!

  3. 10000 Hours practice on the ball is 416 days 24 hours a day no breaks constant practice… 100000 hours is 4166 days 24 hours a day constant practice no breaks… yeah bro i dont think you've practiced 24 hours day for 11.4 years straight… guessing you arent a maths wiz

  4. How would you approach having half the team again for another season and the other half is fairly brand new to soccer.i don't want my veteran kids to have to slow down their play style cause their comfortable now?

  5. My kids are 8 and 11 years old and have started making it to their club/school teams. This has got me taking their football coaching more seriously and I put in a good amount of time with them in addition to their professional coaching . Initially my coaching with them wasn't structured. These videos have helped me significantly! Thanks a ton!

  6. This is my first time coaching and had our first practice today! I had them do all the drills you showed and then had a small 1/2 game at the end and you could see how much those drills worked!! Lol they even helped me!! Thanks, going to watch the rest of your videos!!

  7. So as a 13 year old girl I’m about to start public school and I wanted to do a sport so I picked soccer. I know basically nothing about soccer so I’m looking for all the help I can get.
    Honestly, I’m kinda nervous to do soccer because teenager girls are freaking savage when it comes to someone else not having their skills. But that not going to stop me from trying.

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