20 de mayo de 2024

49 thoughts on “Liverpool v Norwich City | Key Moments | Fourth Round | Emirates FA Cup 2023-24

  1. As much as i appreciate what Salah have done in the past for the club. He doesn't fit in this squad anymore, he looks slow now, misses wayy too many chances, selfish. Honestly the players look more confident without him on the pitch.

  2. نتوما عندكم الملك فوق الكنيسة بمعنى كتعبدو الملك الكنيسة طايعة للملك ليس للإله كانكم كتعبدو الملك فالكنيسة و ربما يهودي كن كان مسيحي كن دار الكنيسة فوق راسو ماشي تحتو

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