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I swear to God I got 9/9 and jumped all around the house
Its football
When he said throwback I was thinking Balotelli or sum
Where is messi
Bro lewa is 2nd gerd muller is 1st for bayern
Piss easy m8
You mean the lion not god
Psg is such a cursed club ,they have had so many legends but no big trophies : messi / neymar / Beckham/ cavani / zlatan / David luiz / things silva / ramos / hakim/ di maria etc…
But soon for
Manchester it would be E.Haaland
For Bayern it would be H.Kane
For PSG I guess O Dembélé ???
People who thought Haaland at first?
Wrong video
So cringe
People who miss having sterling at man city
wait what kdb has more goals than haalnd??
Thomas Muller is soooo underrated
Where's the goat
My stupid mind was screaming gerd muller then I saw it’s after 2000 lol
I thought of the wrong muller for Bayern ???
But neymar has more goals than Zlatan and Cavani for PSG. Literally way more goals
Mancester city ?
Twins puppies
Gerd Muller isn't on top 3?
Sterling is not a throwback ??
Gerd Muller left the chat
Shaun Goater left the chat
bro knows every sport
Haaland left the chat
Why tf is norman on my shorts?
Ffs my dumbass said Colin Bell and Gerr Müller before seeing before 2000 ?
Ngl expected Tevez
Nah haaland bro
For bayern is gerd muller
Raheem Sterling does not play for Mci he plays for chelsea
“You know me” bro I don’t
To the people wondering why Sterling is a No. 2, it's because until 2008, Man City were fighting for relegation and actually did get relegated at the start of the Century. And people thought they would go down to League 1
Prime Lewandowski though ?
Neymar a psg legend what a joke (psg fan btw)
you know me. no i don't stfu