13 de enero de 2025

30 comentarios en «Womens Soccer Challenges Mens Soccer to prove Equality and got Destroyed»

  1. These male players aren't even top-tier football!! If that had been Championship or Premier league players, the goalkeeper wouldn't have stood any chance, it would have been 30 nil. I hope whomever is making women believe they are physically/ Skillfully equal stops. As this was embarrassing and only serves to denigrate, not promote. Not one female player is worth £250 let alone 1000s

  2. I wonder how long it'll take these women to understand we all have different strengths and weaknesses

    That goalkeeper was 100% carrying surprised they didn't have 2 roll out a stretcher for her for breaking her back she was carrying that hard she resilient

  3. Why are people wondering about something that is basic common sense? Men are normally stronger and faster than women and that's why there are female sports and men's sports. Watching this game was hard to watch because the female team got massacred and the male team didn't even make that much effort to win. For the men's team was a walk in the park. I felt bad for the goalie of the women's team because she is a very player but not against men. and her teammates didn't do much for her. So there you go,when it comes to sports women are not equal to men!!!

  4. It's so funny that people are giving props to the goalie for saving shots a goalie from premiere league would save with his feet with his eyes closed. It's so funny because the guys played like they are drunk and so slow and like a warm up and yet scored 12 goals lmao.

    Only people who don't play football or don't watch football would think she's saving some insane shots when it reality the shots from the men's team was weak and slow af, a kid would've been able to save it. This is so funny. She did no wonder, all of the saves are from very slow and lame passes, the guys are not shooting hard from a closeup, they are just tapping and then she is saving them with her body, this is just funny because they are not even trying when she's giving her 100% lmfao.

  5. as a child I was abused by some women like this who told me I was an oppressive man that women were the true people that the only reason I had all the priviledge was because men were too cowardly to allow women to do anything. No they were so cowardly they bullied a small boy who didn't know any better whose an adult making them watch this with SO MUCH CARTHARSIS.

  6. Jhall, never feel bad. This is exactly what meh rights gets them. are there numbers for the amount of time the ball sayed on the girls side? did they even take a shot on the men's goal?

  7. 6:22 Goalie doing her best, makes the pass and her teammate bounces the ball back to the men's team. It's like she was mentally unsware of how in deep she was.

    8:59 Look at the guy's face: "Just do your job, don't boast. Keep it humble."

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