13 de enero de 2025

38 comentarios en «US Womens Soccer Team LOSE 24 – 1 to Mens Team to Prove a Point.»

  1. This was a group of retired players not the current team, but still very skilled players by any ones standards and if any of them thought this would end any differently than it did they are just being ridiculous. As human beings men and women are equal, biologically we are not. There is no argument here. If anyone wants proof that trans woman and cis woman should not compete together here is the first 3 things I would point to.

  2. I'll preface this by saying that I completely agree with both men's and women's sports being different and with keeping men out of women's sports. Though one argument could be made about their general level of competition. If they're being trained and coached to play against women it's not going to be as effective against a men's team that play like men. Competitors generally rise to the level of competition they're up against. I've they continued to train and play against men and play the men's game, I think they eventually could be competitive. But you can't just a team that's played the women's game and just expect them to compete at that same level. It might be the same rules, but it's not the same game.

  3. Let's be honest here… We all and they all know that men teams are at a higher level. The issue is less about ability and more about social politics to use their sex as an excuse to make more money. They know exactly what they are doing. They've just lied so much that they believe their own nonsense. We also live in a world where folks can't even define "women" so maybe this world has already gone off the rails.

  4. ONE!!!!

    Wahmen will and have NEVER admitted of being wrong. No matter what happens, transpire etc. They would take it to the grave instead of admitting being wrong.

    What should be asked is, "If women's sports is so awesome! Why aren't women coming to the games???"

    Funny thing! When I was a preteen. I use to watch and study people. And what amazed me most was seeing and observing how people would tell little lies to themselves to the point that they started to believe it more than the people they were trying to convince.

  5. US men's team would score 50 goals and the US women's team would score 0 goals…. And the US men's team usually are not the best team in the world that's usually Brazil if US women's team played Brazil the score would be Brazil 65 goals the US women's teams score would be 0 goals….

  6. Women should continue to play the Men and learn the character building trait of humility and resolve! It will make them a better women's team. Losing is a character building experience that not enough of our Athletes learn! The women's examples could benefit!
    Remember, the sporting world was created by male Athletes, stadium's build by male labor and male teams forfeited much of their clubs profits to pay the women's Teams as an act of generosity when it wasn't earned but was demanded as if they were entitled! One of these Teams need a character building experience on a continuous basis!

  7. There are sports where it is fun to watch women play. Soccer, tennis even softball… you can sit down and enjoy the competition. But the WNBA is just sooo bad, it is like watching a middle school game. I

  8. Men and women have different centers of gravity. Plus, women still prioritize some level of beauty standards which hold them back. They aren't cutting their hair or reducing fat content in their breasts and butt for a slight speed boost. Women still desire to be pretty.

  9. Attempting to use politics to manipulate physical reality is the name of the woke culture game these days. It's not just sports, but sports certainly is a good example. We need stronger minds. We need humility. (But I do have to say, it's still more entertaining to watch than women's basketball…)

  10. The women are obviously no where close to the men. They don’t deserve equal pay. We live in a time where we’ve been forced to validate other people’s delusions. That time is now coming to an end.

  11. Notice none of the men even celebrate. No humphs, not even clenched fist. Just acknowledging teammates salutes. Women doesn't seem to understand. Men take no pride in beating women. U can tell whats in their heads "just do your job, and be done with it".

  12. I think one should get paid based on how much money they generate not on which team would win head to head. The US women are probably the most popular women's sport in the US and a top 3 ranking worldwide. The men are rather average. On a country scale the US women should get paid at least as much. On a FIFA scale it's hard to argue for that.

  13. I really wish US Soccer would consider a "friendly" between the men's national and women's national teams. Televise this and explain this as an example the disproportionate advantage that men have over women. They could do this with basketball also. We already see it in swimming. This is asinine to think anything but unfair.

  14. As for the Trans issue, I think there should be a place for them to play.. and ain't nobody gonna watch a separate league with just 1 trans woman run the 100M and call that a gold, so yes they should play in the woman's category.. with a handicap! EG. they played in the mens and were ranked 200th, then they get the 200th place womans time handicap… adjust for, … time as man, time as woman. HRT… whatever metric make sense.

  15. As another comparison, I heard the Chinese men's national volleyball team (which is not close to a top tier volleyball team) played soccer (not volleyball) against the women's national soccer team (which was very good since China I think won the world cup or Olympics or something) and beat the women. I guess that's not super impressive because they were adults and professional sports players which means they were really top athletes, but still another data point.

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