23 de noviembre de 2024

24 comentarios en «Nostalgia Commodore 64 – Microprose Soccer»

  1. It seems like yesterday… really legendary game! One of my favourite PC game ever. When the wins were worth two points, when there was USSR and West Germany, when the goalkeeper could block the back pass by hands.

    Sembra ieri… davvero un gioco leggendario! Uno dei miei favoriti di sempre. Quando le vittorie valevano 2 punti, quando c'erano l' URSS e la Germania Ovest, quando il portiere poteva bloccare il pallone con le mani in un retropassaggio.

  2. Has anybody played with a game with such fantastic rain and storm effects?
    I don't understand how the modern developers cannot program it!!
    The sound of the rain and the water on the pitch are superlative.

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