3 de junio de 2024

50 comentarios en «Frito-Lay | Is It Called Soccer or Football?»

  1. 5 time world champion Brazil calls it football. 3 times world champion Argentina calls it football. 4 times world champions Italy and Germany calls it football. Pigskinegg is not the world's most palayed sport. Football is.

  2. All Jokes aside, it is called football by billions of people around the world. FOOT and BALL is the keywords. American "football" rarely involves the foot.

  3. Ngl this is the best most unique fun commercial ever, should be all over usa and the Uk this is funny af 😂😂👌 with all that debate and heat people get going on in the comments eesh this ad was definitely needed 👌😂😂 had to search up the full one wow 👏👏👏 honestly World Cup should have them Super Bowl- type commercials too but in their own unique cool way like this one ☝️ 👏🙌🙌🙌

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